Song’s Title: Hey Jude
Song’s Author: The Beatles
Song’s genre: Rock, Pop
Song’s Summary
“Hey Jude” is a song of The Beatles. This song was published in 1968; the song was written by Paul McCartney and John Lennon. The lyrics of the song are a message of support and hope, originally made to Julian Lennon, John’s son.
Paul McCartney wrote “Hey Jude” to comfort his son Julian for the divorce of their parents. Today this song is one of the most iconic ones of the band from Liverpool and the favorite song of millions of people. For Julian, it’s a dark reminder of a hard time.
Personal Opinion
Personally, I think this song is emotionally supportive because in the lyrics of “Hey Jude”, when they say “Don’t carry the world on your shoulders” in the chorus it means “don’t carry the world on your shoulders”, it means ” Don’t blame yourself for everything.”
This song is not about love, like: ” If I fell” or “I will”, it is more about support. A clear example is the part “The movement you need is on your shoulder”; this part means that you can make the change you need by yourself. I think that this is a very charismatic act for Julian Lennon and Pattie (John Lennon’s first wife) that later John cheated on Pattie with Yoko Ono.
Antonia Gonzalo
Class: 6th Grade B