Title: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Author: Mark Twain
Characters: Tom, Becky, Aunt Polly, Hack and Injun Joe.
Book Summary
Tom Sawyer is a boy who doesn’t like school or work; he likes other things like having adventures with his friends. Tom and Huck went to the graveyard because they wanted to look for ghosts; it was a dark and scary night.
They saw three men fighting for money in the graveyard.
Injun Joe killed one of them with a knife… that man was the doctor.
Tom and Huck are very afraid that someone will find out that they had witnessed the murder. After a few adventures, Tom Sawyer found Injun Joe dead in a cave. In the same cave, Tom found an enormous treasure of money.
Personal Opinion
My personal opinion is that I liked this book, because I like mystery and this book presents many mysterious scenes.
This is a good book to read during your summer vacations; I really recommend it!